Friday, December 12, 2014

If I Could Turn Back Time....

So often when people pass away we say, "If I could turn back time," followed by things that we would do differently. For this past week, the phrase has been running through my head over and over and over again. Ever since I heard about the death of my best friend's dad, I've kept thinking "If I Could Turn Back Time." But not for the typical reason. It runs through my head constantly now because it is my absolute favorite song of all time, and every time I hear it, it brings a smile to my face and my heart as memories come flooding back.

Back in junior high, I went on a road trip summer vacation with my best friend Heather and her parents. There were a few cassette tapes that we brought with us (yes, cassette tapes - remember those?). I don't remember all of them, but the Cher one stood out. Every single time the song "If I Could Turn Back Time" plays I think of Dan, Pat, and Heather. I can still imagine Dan sitting there in the driver's seat of the car singing the song to the rest of us. And even while driving, he would belt out "If I could reach the stars," and reach up for the stars, and then belt out "I'd give 'em all to you!" and reach to the back seat and hand them to Heather and me. Before that road trip, I had never heard that song before. After that trip, I had the whole thing memorized.

Years later, if the song came on the radio in Dan's office, he would call and leave the song as a voicemail message on my phone. Ever the jokester. But it always made me happy to know that he still remembered and still cared. I wish my voicemails hadn't disappeared when I switched phones.

Dan was a man full of one-liners, endless humor and goofiness. He was like a second father to me, and far better at embarrassing me than my own father ever was! A couple of his favorite lines were:
*Sara's so ugly she can stop running water.
*Sara must have hit every branch on the way down from the ugly tree.
*You're really a fart smeller - I mean, a smart feller!
*Fudge-Ah-Matic! (With big emphasis on the "fudge.")
He especially loved to pull those first two out when Heather and I had boys around.

Everything he did was full-on and full-energy, He was a great softball coach and a hard worker who never knew how to slow down and take it easy. He lived his life to its fullest, and did so much for others. On the outside he was a big goofball, but inside was a teddy bear. And luckily he had Pat to balance him out. I can't imagine a better pairing. Pat's calm and patience was the perfect other half for Dan. (And sometimes his only voice of reason.)

Well, Fudge-Ah-Matic, Dan! You sure caught us off-guard this time, and we will miss you dearly. Pat and Heather especially. There is a space in our lives that will never be filled again, and there will be a little less humor. You are one-of-a kind, that is for sure. 
But Dan, now that you can reach the stars, can you please give a few to us down here?